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المقررات الدراسية

Urban Safety and Human Security in Cities
Urban Safety

Addressing urban insecurity is a key global challenge. Urbanization has been accompanied by increased levels of crime, violence and instability and a growing feeling of insecurity in various regions.

While victimization, homicide and crime rates are often regarded as the key indicators of urban security, people living in cities are exposed to many factors that can endanger their lives, livelihoods and dignity, such as epidemics, economic crises, poverty, environmental and man-made disasters, and precarious access to food and basic services.

These security challenges demand a holistic perspective and integrated strategies that take into account the wide range of risks and threats that affect people’s lives in different urban contexts and strengthen the capacities of cities and their communities to address them.

Based on lessons gained in the last three decades through the implementation of and initiatives in cities and towns across Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America and North America this course is designed to offer you analytical and practical tools to understand contemporary security challenges in cities, as well as to design and implement comprehensive and evidence-based strategies that help reduce violence and crime and address people’s complex security needs by taking into account the particularities of your city and its governance structures.

Monitoring the Transformative Commitments of the New Urban Agenda
New Urban Agenda
Skill Level: Beginner

Welcome to the Monitoring the Transformative Commitments of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) course.

This course aims to guide Member States in their preparation of NUA National Progress Reports (NUA NPRs) and to inform key national and regional stakeholders to be capable of monitoring the transformative commitments and implementation of the New Urban Agenda (NUA) using participatory and multi-level processes.

New Urban Agenda crash course: Part 1 — Core Dimensions
New Urban Agenda

This course explains and illustrates the New Urban Agenda in an easily accessible format. This first part of the course explains the core dimensions of the New Urban Agenda.

The course is intended for anyone with an interest in sustainable urbanization. It is particularly useful to public civil servants, mayors, local government officials, architects, urban planners, NGO workers and volunteers, and employees of international organizations.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: About 3 hours.
Fees: None

New Urban Agenda crash course: Part 2 — Means of Implementation
New Urban Agenda
Auto Enrol

This course explains and illustrates the New Urban Agenda in an easily accessible format. The second part of the course explains the means of implementation of the New Urban Agenda. 

The course is intended for anyone with an interest in sustainable urbanization. It is particularly useful to public civil servants, mayors, local government officials, architects, urban planners, NGO workers and volunteers, and employees of international organizations.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: About 3.5 hours.
Fees: None

Curso intensivo de la Nueva Agenda Urbana: Parte 1 — Dimensiones principales
New Urban Agenda
Auto Enrol

Este curso explica e ilustra la Nueva Agenda Urbana en un formato fácilmente accesible.

El curso está dirigido a cualquier persona interesada en la urbanización sostenible. Resulta especialmente útil para funcionarios públicos, alcaldes, funcionarios de gobiernos locales, arquitectos, planificadores urbanos, trabajadores y voluntarios de ONG y empleados de organizaciones internacionales.

Fecha de inicio: En cualquier momento, pues es un curso a su propio ritmo
Duración: Aproximadamente 3 horas
Tarifas: Ninguna

Curso intensivo de la Nueva Agenda Urbana: Parte 2 — Medios de implementación
New Urban Agenda
Auto Enrol

Este curso explica e ilustra la Nueva Agenda Urbana en un formato fácilmente accesible. La segunda parte del curso explica los medios de implementación de la Nueva Agenda Urbana.

El curso está dirigido a cualquier persona interesada en la urbanización sostenible. Resulta especialmente útil para funcionarios públicos, alcaldes, funcionarios de gobiernos locales, arquitectos, planificadores urbanos, trabajadores y voluntarios de ONG y empleados de organizaciones internacionales.

Fecha de inicio: En cualquier momento, pues es un curso a su propio ritmo
Duración: Aproximadamente 3.5 horas
Tarifas: Ninguna

الدورة التدريبية المكثفة حول الخطة الحضرية الجديدة - الجزء الأول: الأبعاد الأساسية
New Urban Agenda
Auto Enrol

تقدم الخطة الحضرية الجديدة إرشادات واضحة حول كيفية مساهمة التوسع الحضري الذي يُدار ويُخطّط له بشكل محكم في الإسراع نحو تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. سيتمكن المتعلمون من شرح أهمية الخطة الحضرية الجديدة والتحضر المستدام في ظل الظروف الراهنة، وفهم وشرح أبعاد الخطة الحضرية الجديدة ومفاهيمها المختلفة. تستند هذه الدورة التدريبية إلى دليل الخطة الحضرية الجديدة

الفئة المستهدفة:

-        موظفو الخدمة المدنية؛  

-        رؤساء البلديات ومسؤولو الحكومة المحلية؛  

-        المهندسون المعماريون والمخططون الحضريون؛  

-        العاملون في المنظمات غير الحكومية والمتطوعون فيها؛

-        موظفو المنظمات الدولية؛

-        أي شخص مهتم بالتحضر المستدام.

الرسوم: مجانية

الدورة التدريبية المكثفة حول الخطة الحضرية الجديدة - الجزء الثاني: وسائل التنفيذ
New Urban Agenda
Auto Enrol

هذه الدورة هي الثانية من دورتَين تشرحان وتوضحان الخطة الحضرية الجديدة بأسلوب ميسّر. نركز هنا على وسائل تنفيذ الخطة الحضرية الجديدة. وتقدم الخطة الحضرية الجديدة إرشادات واضحة حول كيفية مساهمة التوسع الحضري الذي يُدار ويُخطّط له بشكل محكم في الإسراع نحو تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة. تستند هذه الدورة التدريبية إلى دليل الخطة الحضرية الجديدة

الفئة المستهدفة:

-        موظفو الخدمة المدنية؛  

-        رؤساء البلديات ومسؤولو الحكومة المحلية؛  

-        المهندسون المعماريون والمخططون الحضريون؛  

-        العاملون في المنظمات غير الحكومية والمتطوعون فيها؛

-        موظفو المنظمات الدولية؛

-        أي شخص مهتم بالتحضر المستدام.

مدة الدورة: 3.5 ساعة

الرسوم: مجانية

Интенсивный курс по Новой программе развития городов: Часть 1 - Измерения
New Urban Agenda
Auto Enrol

Этот курс объясняет и иллюстрирует Новую повестку дня городов в легкодоступном формате. Эта первая часть курса объясняет основные аспекты Новой программы развития городов.

Курс предназначен для всех, кто интересуется устойчивой урбанизацией. Он особенно полезен государственным служащим, мэрам, должностным лицам местных органов власти, архитекторам, градостроителям, работникам и волонтерам НПО, а также сотрудникам международных организаций.

Дата начала: когда захотите. Этот курс для самостоятельного изучения.
Продолжительность: около 3 часов.
Плата: Нет

Интенсивный курс по Новой программе развития городов: Часть 2 - Средства осуществления
New Urban Agenda
Auto Enrol

Этот курс объясняет и иллюстрирует Новую повестку дня городов в легкодоступном формате. Эта вторая часть курса, в которой рассматриваются Средства осуществления Новой программы развития городов. 

Курс предназначен для всех, кто интересуется устойчивой урбанизацией. Он особенно полезен государственным служащим, мэрам, должностным лицам местных органов власти, архитекторам, градостроителям, работникам и волонтерам НПО, а также сотрудникам международных организаций.

Дата начала: когда захотите. Это курс для самостоятельного изучения.
около 3 с половиной часов.

Formation accélérée au Nouveau Programme pour les villes: Partie 1 — Axes principaux
New Urban Agenda
Auto Enrol
Duration: Environ 3 heures

Ce cours explique et illustre le Nouvel Agenda Urbain dans un format facilement accessible. Cette première partie du cours en presente les principaux axes.

Il s’adresse à toute personne intéressée par l'urbanisation durable. Il est particulièrement utile aux fonctionnaires, aux maires, aux responsables des collectivités locales, aux architectes, aux urbanistes, aux travailleurs et bénévoles des ONG et aux employés des organisations internationales.

Date de début : Quand vous le souhaitez
Durée : Environ 3 heures
Frais : Aucun

Formation accélérée au Nouveau Programme pour les villes: Partie 2 — Moyens de mise en œuvre
New Urban Agenda
Auto Enrol

Ce cours explique et illustre le Nouvel Agenda Urbain dans un format facilement accessible. Cette partie a pour objet les moyens de mise en œuvre du Nouveau Programme pour les villes.

Il s’adresse à toute personne intéressée par l'urbanisation durable. Il est particulièrement utile aux fonctionnaires, aux maires, aux responsables des collectivités locales, aux architectes, aux urbanistes, aux travailleurs et bénévoles des ONG et aux employés des organisations internationales.

Date de début : Quand vous le souhaitez
Durée : Environ 3.5 heures
Frais : Aucun

Cities Investment Facility(CIF)
Skill Level: Beginner

This e-learning module is designed to equip city officials with the knowledge and skills necessary to submit well-represented, high-quality projects to Cities Investment Facility (CIF). This module will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.

Partners only: Environmental and Social Safeguards System 3 Basic Training

This course is accessible exclusively for UN-Habitat partners in possession of an enrollment key.

At the end of this Basic Training, you will have learned:

  • What the Environmental and Social Safeguards System 3.0 is;
  • Why an Environmental and Social Safeguards System is critical for our project and programme management;
  • The key concepts of the Environmental and Social Safeguards System 3.0;
  • Where to find additional reference material to implement the Environmental and Social Safeguards System 3.0

Materials & Duration:
30 minutes, including final quiz

Building urban climate resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation

This course introduces you to the concept of Ecosystem-based Adaptation, and guides you in the planning and implementation of Ecosystem-based Adaptation projects. This will help your city to implement local climate action, contributing to achieving the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The course is intended for local and national government staff, and local stakeholders working with urban development, including NGOs, CBOs, the private sector, as well as employees in the United Nations and other international organizations, as well as anyone who wants to find out more about Ecosystem-based Adaptation at the local level.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: About 2 hours.
Fees: None

How to guide sustainable urbanization with National Urban Policies
Auto Enrol
National Urban Policies (NUP) have increasingly been adopted by countries in enhancing sustainable urban development and the achievement of the global agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the New Urban Agenda (NUA). NUP was selected as one of the ten thematic policy units affirming the instrumental nature of the NUA in preparation of Habitat III. The NUA puts emphasis on NUP as one of the five pillars of implementation and encourages the need for capacity of the governments to develop and implement these policies. NUP have been proposed to be used as monitoring tools for the SDGs through indicator 11.a.1.
The course takes about 2 hours to complete.

The objective of this course is to understand:

  • What NUP is and its role towards sustainable urbanization
  • The NUP process and how it is conducted in practice
  • How to conduct the NUP assessment/review
  • How NUP relates to other sectors
Learn how to measure SDG Indicator 11.1.1 – Adequate Housing and Slum Upgrading
Measuring Sustainable Development Goals Indicators
Auto Enrol

This course includes self-paced e-learning training modules which present descriptive and practical step-by-step guidance on how to compute SDG 11+ indicators. It is aimed at strengthening national and city capacities in collecting, analyzing, and monitoring the urban SDG indicators.

This training course is intended for all the professionals involved in monitoring and reporting on SDG 11 indicators and anyone who wishes to get guidance in the monitoring process.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: 40 minutes
Fees: None

Learn how to measure SDG Indicator 11.2.1 – Access to Public Transport
Measuring Sustainable Development Goals Indicators
Auto Enrol

This course includes self-paced e-learning training modules which present descriptive and practical step-by-step guidance on how to compute SDG 11+ indicators. It is aimed at strengthening national and city capacities in collecting, analyzing, and monitoring the urban SDG indicators.

This training course is intended for all the professionals involved in monitoring and reporting on SDG 11 indicators and anyone who wishes to get guidance in the monitoring process.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: 45 minutes
Fees: None

Learn how to measure SDG Indicator 11.3.1 – Land Consumption Rate
Measuring Sustainable Development Goals Indicators
Auto Enrol

This course includes self-paced e-learning training modules which present descriptive and practical step-by-step guidance on how to compute SDG 11+ indicators. It is aimed at strengthening national and city capacities in collecting, analyzing, and monitoring the urban SDG indicators.

This training course is intended for all the professionals involved in monitoring and reporting on SDG 11 indicators and anyone who wishes to get guidance in the monitoring process.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: 45 minutes
Fees: None

Learn how to measure SDG Indicator 11.3.2 – Civil Participation in Urban Planning and Management
Measuring Sustainable Development Goals Indicators
Auto Enrol

This course includes self-paced e-learning training modules which present descriptive and practical step-by-step guidance on how to compute SDG 11+ indicators. It is aimed at strengthening national and city capacities in collecting, analyzing, and monitoring the urban SDG indicators.

This training course is intended for all the professionals involved in monitoring and reporting on SDG 11 indicators and anyone who wishes to get guidance in the monitoring process.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: 45 minutes
Fees: None

Learn how to measure SDG Indicator 1.4.2 – Secure Tenure Rights to Land
Measuring Sustainable Development Goals Indicators
Auto Enrol

This course includes self-paced e-learning training modules which present descriptive and practical step-by-step guidance on how to compute SDG 11+ indicators. It is aimed at strengthening national and city capacities in collecting, analyzing, and monitoring the urban SDG indicators.

This training course is intended for all the professionals involved in monitoring and reporting on SDG 11 indicators and anyone who wishes to get guidance in the monitoring process.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: 30 minutes
Fees: None

Learn how to measure SDG Indicator 11.6.1 – Municipal Solid Waste Management
Measuring Sustainable Development Goals Indicators
Auto Enrol

This course includes self-paced e-learning training modules which present descriptive and practical step-by-step guidance on how to compute SDG 11+ indicators. It is aimed at strengthening national and city capacities in collecting, analyzing, and monitoring the urban SDG indicators.

This training course is intended for all the professionals involved in monitoring and reporting on SDG 11 indicators and anyone who wishes to get guidance in the monitoring process.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: 30 minutes
Fees: None

Learn how to measure SDG Indicator 11.7.1 – Public Space
Measuring Sustainable Development Goals Indicators
Auto Enrol

This course includes self-paced e-learning training modules which present descriptive and practical step-by-step guidance on how to compute SDG 11+ indicators. It is aimed at strengthening national and city capacities in collecting, analyzing, and monitoring the urban SDG indicators.

This training course is intended for all the professionals involved in monitoring and reporting on SDG 11 indicators and anyone who wishes to get guidance in the monitoring process.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: 45 minutes
Fees: None

Dos dados ao impacto tangível – Como alcançar os ODS de resíduos até 2030
Solid waste management

Este curso online apresentará os primeiros passos para desenvolver de forma participativa e inclusiva estratégias e planos de ação de gestão de resíduos sólidos municipais baseados em dados. Isto ajudará a sua cidade a alcançar os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) relacionados com os resíduos até 2030 e a avançar para uma economia circular.

O curso é destinado a todos os profissionais de resíduos sólidos, autoridades municipais envolvidas na gestão municipal de resíduos sólidos e qualquer pessoa interessada em orientação sobre como alcançar os ODS relacionados a resíduos.

Início: curso individualizado
Duração: 6 módulos, entre 1-2 horas por módulo
Taxas: Nenhuma
Certificado: Sim, após concluir e passar no teste final

De los datos al impacto tangible: Lograr los ODS sobre residuos para 2030 - Español
Solid waste management

Este curso online le presentará los primeros pasos para desarrollar de forma participativa e inclusiva estrategias de gestión de residuos sólidos municipales y planes de acción basados en datos. Esto ayudará a su ciudad a alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) relacionados con los residuos para 2030 y a avanzar hacia una economía circular.

El curso está dirigido a todos los profesionales de los residuos sólidos, los funcionarios de la ciudad que participan en la gestión de residuos sólidos municipales, y cualquier persona interesada en la orientación sobre cómo lograr los ODS relacionados con los residuos.

Comienza: Curso autodidáctico
Duración: 6 módulos, entre 1-2 horas por módulo
Costes: Ninguno
Certificado: Sí, tras completar y aprobar el examen final

From Data to Tangible Impact: Achieving Waste SDGs by 2030
Solid waste management

This online course will introduce you to the first steps to develop in a participatory and inclusive manner municipal solid waste management strategies and action plans based on data. This will help your city to achieve waste related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and move towards a circular economy.

The course is intended for all solid waste professionals, city officials involved in municipal solid waste management, and anyone interested in guidance on how to achieve waste related SDGs.

Start: Self-paced course
Duration: 6 modules, between 1-2 hours per module
Fees: None
Certificate: Yes, after completing and passing the final test

Des données à l’impact tangible - réaliser les ODD relatifs aux déchets d’ici 2030
Solid waste management

Ce cours en ligne vous présentera les premières étapes pour développer de manière participative et inclusive des stratégies de gestion des déchets solides municipaux et des plans d'action basés sur des données. Cela aidera votre ville à atteindre les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) liés aux déchets d'ici 2030 et à évoluer vers une économie circulaire.

Le cours est destiné à tous les professionnels des déchets solides, aux responsables municipaux impliqués dans la gestion des déchets solides municipaux et à toute personne intéressée par des conseils sur la façon d'atteindre les ODD liés aux déchets.

Démarrage : Cours à votre rythme
Durée : 6 modules, entre 1 et 2 heures par module
Frais  : Aucun
Certificat : Oui, après avoir terminé et passé le test final

Dari Data Menuju Dampak Nyata : Mencapai SDG Persampahan pada tahun 2030
Solid waste management

Kursus daring ini memperkenalkan langkah pertama untuk mengembangkan strategi dan rencana aksi pengelolaan sampah kota secara partisipatif dan inklusif berdasarkan data. Ini akan membantu kota Anda mencapai Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (Sustainable Development Goals/SDG) terkait persampahan pada tahun 2030 dan bergerak menuju ekonomi sirkular.

Kursus ini ditujukan untuk semua tenaga profesional di bidang persampahan, pejabat kota yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan sampah kota dan siapapun yang tertarik untuk mengetahui cara mencapai SDG terkait persampahan.

Mulai: Kursus Mandiri
Durasi: 6 modul, antara 1-2 jam per modul
Biaya: Tidak ada
Sertifikat: Ya, setelah menyelesaikan kursus dan lulus ujian akhir

UN-Habitat staff only: Environmental and Social Safeguards System 3 Basic Training
UN-Habitat staff

This course is accessible exclusively for UN-Habitat employees in possession of an enrollment key.

At the end of this Basic Training, you will have learned:

  • What the Environmental and Social Safeguards System 3.0 is;
  • Why an Environmental and Social Safeguards System is critical for our project and programme management;
  • The key concepts of the Environmental and Social Safeguards System 3.0;
  • Where to find additional reference material to implement the Environmental and Social Safeguards System 3.0

Materials & Duration:
30 minutes, including final quiz

Taking sustainable urban mobility to the next level (Part 1)
Sustainable urban mobility
Duration: 2 hours

This course provides a comprehensive overview of sustainable urban mobility, covering topics such as the urban mobility policies, financing strategies, low-carbon mobility solutions, and the role of data, innovation, and technology in enhancing urban mobility.

Taking sustainable urban mobility to the next level (Part 2)
Sustainable urban mobility
Duration: 3 hours

In this course, you'll gain insights from global experts on cutting-edge practices in sustainable urban transport. Learn about TOD, urban transformation with SUM solutions, decarbonizing the mobility sector, active mobility, safe roads strategies, and inclusive transport solutions.

Advancing Climate Action through Urban Law - Malawi March 2024
Online classroom

This course is under development and not yet accessible.

This course explores the essential role that urban law plays in addressing the challenges of climate change. It delves into UN-Habitat’s Urban Law Module of the Law and Climate Change Toolkit which is a valuable resource for countries, local governments, professionals, academia, and other stakeholders seeking to adapt their urban planning and environmental regulations and policies to manage climate change effectively.

Start: This is a self-paced course
Duration: There are four modules. Each module takes about 40 to 60 minutes to complete.
Fees: None
Certificate: Awarded after completing all modules and passing the final test

Building community resilience through Nature-based solutions and Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Myanmar
Online classroom
Auto Enrol
Skill Level: Beginner

This training is designed to support local community leaders, practitioners, and wider development partners, in incorporating Nature-based solutions into local development planning.

The training includes a bottom-up approach to resilience building, including as key steps to promote Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA): 

- Understanding the context, planning and initiating stakeholder engagement

- Community-based Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA)

- Locally-led Climate Action Planning

- Implementation of Local Climate Action

Advancing Climate Action through Urban Law
Urban climate and environmental action
This course explores the essential role that urban law plays in addressing the challenges of climate change. It delves into UN-Habitat’s Urban Law Module of the Law and Climate Change Toolkit which is a valuable resource for countries, local governments, professionals, academia, and other stakeholders seeking to adapt their urban planning and environmental regulations and policies to manage climate change effectively.

Start: This is a self-paced course
Duration: There are four modules. Each module takes about 40 to 60 minutes to complete.
Fees: None
Certificate: Awarded after completing all modules and passing the final test
From Crisis to Stability: Navigating Urban Displacement and Durable Solutions for IDPs
Urban Crisis
Auto Enrol

This digital training course offers an overview of urban displacement and migration, focusing on solutions for urban internally displaced persons (IDPs) at the conceptual level. It includes presentations from the Community of Practice Webinars, showcasing field experiences and best practices on solutions to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The course aims to equip practitioners with the knowledge to effectively address IDP challenges and develop durable, inclusive solutions. It's designed for development agency workers, humanitarian professionals, policymakers, planners, international organizations, local authorities, academics, researchers and donors. 

Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons
Urban Crisis
Duration: 3.5 hours
Explore what durable solutions means for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in this 3.5-hour online course. Developed by GP2.0 Initiative on Internal Displacement and UNHCR, the course covers frameworks, key planning and partnership tools, as well as practical strategies to advance durable solutions for IDPs.

This course is designed for urban stakeholders working on issues related to IDPs, including local, subregional and national government officials, NGOs and CSOs, academics, private sector actors, students, communities affected by displacement, and other humanitarian, development and peacebuilding actors, as well as anyone interested in the challenges faced by IDPs.

Start date: Whenever you want. This is a self-paced course.
Duration: About 3.5 hours.
Fees: None