Welcome to a transformative journey towards building cities that move effectively and prioritize the well-being of their residents. 

Imagine cities where efficient public transportation systems, cycling lanes, and pedestrian-friendly spaces take center stage.

In a world grappling with the challenges of congestion, pollution, and sprawling urban landscapes, the need for a paradigm shift in urban mobility has never been more pressing. Sustainable urban mobility calls for interconnected hubs that prioritize accessibility, integration, and the reduction of overall travel needs. It's a call to adopt a resident-centered approach, strategically placing functional endpoints to minimize distances and transportation requirements. The aim is not just to move people but to enhance the overall quality of life, reduce environmental impact, and create vibrant, sustainable living spaces.

Are you ready to be a part of this movement? 

Come along as we proceed on our meaningful future journey:

As a continuous effort, UN-Habitat offers a comprehensive package of knowledge, advocacy, and technical assistance such as self-paced e-learning modules on sustainable urban mobility. These courses are tailored for professionals working on reshaping urban mobility and are designed to strengthen national and city capacities.

Start Date: Whenever you want. These are self-paced courses.

Mode of Learning: Online

Language: English

Fees: None

Let's shape cities that not only move forward but move forward sustainably, creating a better world for current and future generations. Join the movement for sustainable urban mobility today! 🚆🚴‍♂️🚏🚡🚊

Taking sustainable urban mobility to the next level (Part 1)
Sustainable urban mobility
Course length: 2 hours

This course provides a comprehensive overview of sustainable urban mobility, covering topics such as the urban mobility policies, financing strategies, low-carbon mobility solutions, and the role of data, innovation, and technology in enhancing urban mobility.